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19 Safe Internet Browsing Tips and Best Practices for All

Surfing interest is as necessary as having food, in today’s time. The Internet is a well of any information you require and clears your doubts within seconds.

The excitement of banking, shopping and interacting online may lead to a leakage of personal information and thereby hacking your accounts and misusing it.

Your eagerness to surf on the internet will keep you immune to the facts that you are also gathering spyware, malware, and other fraudulent sites while surfing. It is necessary to learn to handle the internet safely including your downloads and your browser’s security features.

Nowadays a number of browsing sites have come up but it is not advisable to trust each site and open your credential information through such browsing sites.  Since all your monetary and non-monetary transactions are made on the internet, explore some strategies to maintain your browsing information secret and private. A handful of some simple precautions will keep you safe while browsing:

19 Best and Safe Internet Browsing Tips:

Your main aim shall be to protect your computer:

Each and every browsing site will have its own safety features which need to be enabled to get your computer protected against scams and malware.

A red warning message is displayed every time you visit unwanted sites. You can set up your browser privacy settings to activate and block access to unwanted websites which may harm your computer as well as personal data.

Always update your browser:

Your browser needs daily updations as every second new malware’s and threats are being generated during surfing. Keep track of the versions being updated and keep your browser on the latest version. Also, update facilities are inbuilt in the browser, keep track of the latest update and install the same.

Threats like Trojan can not only make you vulnerable but can slow down your computer and lead to crashes and loss of valuable data.

Use different passwords for different sites:

For easy remembrance, people use the same password for all their social sites as well as banks and other important utilities website. Sometimes, this easy to use feature may create a problem.

If any of the sites are hacked or kept a track of then it becomes easy for the hackers to track your other personal accounts. Either you use different passwords or make a little bit of variation in the series of your password so that it is easy for you to remember as well.

Always browse with secured websites:

There are numerous websites which provide your free software and free tips. But we are unaware of the attached danger in it. There are risks that these software’s may detect your personal information from the computer or added email as they contain spyware.

It is not that you should avoid free software’s, but it is rather advised to check the reviews and security certificates before downloading it.

Don’t click on unknown links:

Our email ids are flooded with unwanted and spam emails which direct us to some unknown websites. Other than email, while browsing we see lucrative offers which attract us to click on those links and see what the site is offering.

Some of these clicks may spread a virus and might control your accounts and passwords. Nowadays, shortened URLs are used to spread links to blogs and websites. But only go for reliable and secured sites.

Keep your antivirus on:

To make your antivirus work perfectly on the system, keep the antivirus in “ON” mode. Don’t ignore the alerts sent by the antivirus website. Antivirus has an option to download the updated version automatically.

Enable that option so that it works on its own and keeps your system secured. A list of antivirus is being floated in the market. Most effective ones are quick heal, Kaspersky and so on.

Beware of duplicate websites:

Some websites may have the same brand name but misspelled. These are duplicate websites which are similar to legitimate sites. Avoid such websites. Also, don’t reply or open emails sent to you from unknown people.

Scammers and hackers are masters in replicating sites. So, you double check the urn and don’t provide all your confidential information all at one go.

Be very secure with online shopping sites:

This is a world of e-commerce. Nowadays, everything is purchased at one click online. People don’t need to go to the market and carry heavy bags. The required items come at their doorsteps. To enjoy this lucrativeness, people are sharing their confidential debit/credit card information and also net banking information for payment.

Make sure the sites you are shopping have https and a padlock icon. Http sites are not safe. And it is better to use a credit card for payment rather than a debit card as the company is eager to pay you back in credit card transactions.

Make phrasal passwords:

To make your passwords easily remembered, people either uses their date of birth or phone number as a password. In this crooked minded surroundings, you cannot survive with simple passwords.

You have to keep something like 98676$#$&$^. You can also write phrases as a password. Keep changing your passwords on a regular basis and sent match your passwords with your critical account.

Take regular backups:

Keep your guard on for taking regular backups. Take a backup of a hard disk or a pen drive to make sure that you have your data secured in the event of any loss or theft. Go through your financial statements to keep a watch on your unforeseen activities if any. Immediately report payments you have not made through your bank.

Protect your wifi:

Protect your router by changing the default setting of the router. Keep a password for activating connection through your wifi. Watch your connectivity. Make sure you don’t share passwords with any outsiders.

Your wifi connectivity can be hacked so maintain secure system base to keep your connectivity protected from your system and phones, tablets etc. Choose WPA or WPA2 settings for your router to be more secure. Disable guest login without a password.

Install firewall settings:

A firewall is a barrier which defends your network with the outside world and protects from cyber attacks. The current version comes with the firewall settings, if not; consider a MacAfee Life save service which is a better firewall option than what comes in default along with operating systems.

Firewall settings protect your computer against any unwanted objects. But in some accounting software, the firewall settings do not work. In such cases, it notes down the risks and required actions are taken respectively.

Use your common sense while opening any attached file:

People will not shower their inheritance upon you just like that. So, please don’t believe that you have inherited a fortune from an unknown person and transfer him your personal details. It is better to avoid downloading such files. Don’t share your files in public.

There is an option in the control panel of your operating system starting to turn off file sharing for public access. Control panel>Network> Network and sharing center. This will secure your data in your computer and not share in local area networks.

Protect your identity:

The major information can be tracked by providing your name and date of birth. It is advisable to not to share correct information on all the sites you use. You can change a number from your date of birth so that the registration purpose is served. The date of birth and name combo can lead to unlimited hacking if exposed,

Be mindful in agreeing to the terms and conditions:

It is true that it is not possible to read the full and lengthy terms and conditions. At least read the fine print at a go. There is an option for not receiving any junk emails or newsletters. Check that box for avoiding floods of unnecessary emails in your account.

Don’t share your contact details:

If you are a regular browser or a purchase online, it is advised to create an email id separate for registering while browsing and surfing. In that email id, don’t give away your personal details and don’t track this email id with your financial transactions.

Now the email id is safe and can be used anytime for registration purpose. Similarly, until necessary, don’t provide your phone number. Your phone number can be added to the spam list and can be tracked on for other unnecessary surveying.

Be cautious in selecting profile:

There are hundreds of websites providing part tim4e income and data entry jobs for a minimum pay off some hundreds or thousands of rupees. Judge the genuinely of the website and then move forward. You should not fall prey to the scams and phishing emails just because they offer lucrative income and payment cheques on their websites.

Be alert with the online scams:

Online scams can pop up anywhere. Social sites like facebook, twitter etc have pop-up websites. Don’t click on such links. Don’t fall prey just for fun. Sites which do not have a proper name for their address and look gibberish contain doubtful information. Don’t fall prey of transferring money in foreign countries.

Have multiple email accounts:

Minimum three email accounts are advisable. Multiple emails can help you segregate your professional personal and imaginary lives. Have a business email id for official use and a personal email id for friends and family. Maintain a separate email id with only limited and distorted information for registration into online websites and registrations.

In other words, apart from all these measures, you cannot ensure real privacy online. So, if you seriously want to save your files and stay private, it is better not to expose it online and post it. Internet bullying and cybercrime are on the hot news these days. So it is advised to clear the cache and history on a daily basis to prevent unnecessary harm to the computer.

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