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How to Overcome Writer’s Block & Create Better Content

Writer’s block can be explained as a condition that is linked with writers.

This condition actually brings down the capability of the author to do creative writing. They undergo a slowdown in creativity.

The author finds it tough to come up with new ideas and hence he or she would be incapable to work for years.

When you read through history, writer’s block has been a recorded problem.

In reality, many professionals have been affected by this issue. Some of the authors are Joseph Mitchell, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Charles M.Schulz and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Causes for Writer’s Block:

It is due to conflicted feelings that writer’s block occurs. The writer desires his writing should be delivered with perfection and within time.

The writers know the thought and idea but they cannot judge the readers. The writer knows what to write but still fear that the writing may not be up to the reader’s expectation.

All of a sudden the thought progressions of writers terminate.

They may have lost their attentiveness. They would have no idea what to write.

It would be a scary situation when a writer is in the process of writing a novel and all of a sudden feel being lost.

This is not the end as every writer would have come across this situation and moreover has been stronger after this.

Let’s glimpse through a few ways about how to overcome writer’s block as mentioned below.

Simple Tips to Overcome Writers Block:

1. Executing writing schedules:

Writer’s block can be ignored by scheduling a time to write.

Get into your writing desk whatever happens. When you have a strict schedule of writing, your mind will get fixed and you’ll be used to it.

This small example can boost your confidence. Graham Greene was a famous writer and he just wrote 500 words per day every morning.

500 words are just one page, but Greene in that aspect released 30 books.

2. View writing as a job:

Prominent prolific author Stephen King explains about writing, linking it to physical work.

He says that when writers are compared to craftsmen and laborers they sit and write.

He explains in a simple manner that, a writer just pens down words one beside the other similar to a bricklayer who places bricks one beside the other.

He says that the end product would be poems, stories, and plays. He mentions that writers just make use of vocabulary instead of bricks.

3. Read your loved authors and get re-inspired:

Writers can get involved in the writings of their loved authors when they aren’t able to think.

Well-crafted passages can be read and tried to write similarly. Writers can observe how their loved authors have constructed sentences; look for their word choices, the pace of scene and rhythm.

All these aspects can be noted down by the writer, also craft and grammatical techniques can be noted.

All these can be experimented by the writers in their writing.

4. Free writing:

Dedicate 15 minutes every day for free writing.

The writer is suggested to write whatever comes to his mind.

Make it random, leave punctuations and make free writing. The writer can switch over to other subjects and write a mix of journaling and fiction too.

By this way, the writer gets used to tap words which are inside the head and also gets a chance to put it on journal or screen.

Freewriting helps the writer to get their ideas and thoughts out.

5. Moving your body:

Instead of sitting and writing all the time, writers can practice yoga, dance or Tai Chi.

This is because when the body gets into movement the mind also follows.

Writers can also get into meditation and take in, leave long breaths.

When a mind is relaxed, it is more open to thoughts. An open mind is said to be more imaginative and the writer can concentrate more in a calm state.

6. Take off when your assignment is complete:

Writer’s block can be a signal for writers that their ideas require time to gestate.

Another main part of the creative process is being idle.

It is always suggested for writers to give themselves a break so that they collect new ideas, experiences either from life or from reading or from other forms. This can provide quality output from writers.

7. Delete distractions:

It would be great if writers turn off their mobiles and disengage from the internet at times of writing, as these are the main disturbing factors presently.

The writers can work in a clean environment and a clean desk, as a messy desk may push them into confusion.

Dedicate a few hours from your daily schedule only for writing, for example, 3 to 4 hours.

Request your dear ones too and make them understand the importance of writing, or write after everyone sleeps.

It is important for a writer to have his or her own time and space to be focused on.

8. Set deadlines:

It would be a good suggestion to set deadlines with partners while writing.

Writers develop materials when they have someone else waiting for their output. Writing can be made a routine by joining writing groups or classes too.

9. Early morning writing:

The brain retains in the Theta mode when an individual wakes up in the morning.

The brainwave is in the pattern of a dream when an individual wake up early morning. Certain individuals may find it perfect and good time by early 4 or 5 for writing.

10. Think of the deep issues of writer’s block:

Writers who experience a writer’s block may pen down their anxieties and issues and discuss with their friend who is also a writer.

There are also many books which assist writers to think about their root cause for writer’s block, and one such book is the ‘Artists way’.

For ones who experience a prolonged writer’s block can opt for counseling. There are ample therapists too who assist writer’s block for writers and link them with their creativity.

11. Try to write in a new location:

For writers who write in public places such as a coffee shop or library can move to private places.

Writers can also change their mode of writing and write in paper with a pen if they are usually system oriented.

They can sit in a park, or go to a shopping mall for writing. They can also get somewhere else for writing; they can provide their own retreat for writing.

12. Work on multiple assignments:

Writers can work on multiple projects at a time. There are some writers who find it beneficial to switch from one project to the other.

This way the writer’s boredom or fear is reduced and hence avoids writer’s block.

13. Work on writing exercises:

Writing exercises are a perfect choice which helps to loosen up the writer’s mind and help them in writing. By this way, they are able to get words and would be worthy for writers.

14. Satisfy body needs:

Writers who are exhausted can also experience writer’s block.

The reasons may be poor diet, lack of sleep, or very limited sleep. All these can also be a reason for writer’s block.

Writers should be cautious as they may adapt to a sedentary lifestyle. It is always suggested for writers to get up from their place at least every half an hour and stretch their legs.

Though writing can be productive, beneficial etc, it is mandatory to remember that physical activity and fitness is mandatory and hence writers should look for their body needs.

15. Taking breaks:

Writers may require some time off from writing.

It can be fairly good if they take about a week off and return back with fresh ideas. This break might refresh them and get rid of writer’s block.

Taking too much time off may be a trouble for writers to get back to the routine slot.

16. Facing expectations and fear:

Failure and fear to fail can hold writers back.

They may be afraid of other people’s comment on their work. Writers may worry and be in distress that their work isn’t good. They may also worry that they write on niches which worry their close ones.

To make it deeper, there are people who are even afraid of success. This case can be mentioned as imposter syndrome, where many people who were efficacious suffer from self-defeating feelings.

They actually are afraid if others would consider them as frauds. Look for such fears and writers should come forward to face them.

17. Change your pace of writing:

Writers can change their scenarios, if they write for an action sequence now, they can swap to a conversation.

At times of changeover, it really makes sense to writers.

It is not a rule to write in one speed and tone all the time.

When writing is completely different, it can be inspiring to the writer as well as the reader.

If a writer always used to write dramatic scenes, then he or she can switch over to writing lighthearted ones.

18. Look for real situations:

Another main reason for writer’s block is that the scenario may not be realistic to them. Hence looking for realistic scenarios and making the writing more natural is necessary.

19. Start other parts of the story:

For writers who find it struggling to write from the beginning, can start their story from somewhere in the end or middle.

When the writer writes the other part, automatically scenes fall in place and the story gets ready. A perfect ending can be written and the rest of the story can be structured.

20. Write completely different:

When a writer wants to write completely different, ideas flow through the mind.

It can be a poem, a scene, a monologue or anything. A different scenario would make his blood flow pure and think clearly.

21. Making use of scenarios around:

Personalities and scenarios around are the best sources for writers which bring out real thoughts.

Use nature, scenes, and ambiance around to make the best writing. By using these aspects a perfect story slot can be developed.

Starting such an idea can be done by making use of a note pad or diary and penning down daily events round which later add up to writing.

22. Browse around LinkedIn, Google or Facebook:

At times when writers are stuck and not able to proceed with their writing, they can hunt through Google, Facebook or LinkedIn.

As these are rich sources which can give you thoughtful ideas, run through them for good ideas.

23. Forget about grammar:

Writers can be discouraged if they are looking for correct grammar in the start. They can forget about perfection in the beginning.

The truth is that the initial draft can be a bit crappy. Writers can concentrate on quick writing and later on work on the grammar aspect.

24. Relax by doing work:

Some individuals get their best ideas at times of shower. Before coming up with an idea, the individual needs to relax.

It may be counterproductive when the individual just stares at the computer all the time. Other routines instead of a shower are washing dishes, folding laundry or hovering around in the room.

These may unblock writer’s block and gets out with new thoughts and ideas.

25. Read a story about an individual you admire:

Read through a story which you admire and develop a character based on the same.

Also develop hobbies, personality traits when the writer writes a story on the character, it would be easier, as the writer knows everything about the character.

These are a few important hints to understand and work through for writers who experience writer’s block.

All these points can be considered to unblock writer’s block as all these are valid and real-time aspects. It is quite simple to pass through writer’s block by understanding reality. It’s not a tough part and should be surpassed without fear.

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