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What is a Squeeze Page and How to Create One

Are you a fresher to digital marketing?

Then, this term could be a new one for you. Squeeze pages are one of the important digital marketing strategies to attract potential customers.

Do you know how?

You will get answers to all your questions related to squeeze page from this article. You can use this information to build a strong customer base.

Most of you will be familiar with the squeeze page. But, this name is not a familiar one.

Many websites design squeeze pages to attract their customers. They offer something exciting to attract viewers towards their page.

Today, as the competition is tight, everyone in this field should know all the terms and concepts related to marketing.

There are many marketing strategies you can use to promote your business. Most websites use landing pages with discounts and offers.

How many of you know the real motive behind it?

Actually, nobody thinks the reason for asking for any personal information while entering them. Websites use this information like mail address and phone number to promote their business.

Applying new and attractive strategies is an essential thing to get more traffic to your site. A squeeze page is one of them.

First, here I will be explaining the actual meaning of the term. You can follow some guidelines to make a good page.

What is a Squeeze Page?

When you are searching a page or some data on the internet you will land on a page that asks you for your email address. That is a squeeze page.

As the name says, a Squeeze page is a type landing page that is designed to grab customer’s attention.

When you land on a page, an annoying pop-up asks to enter your email id or some emails to get their promotional offers. These types of pages are known as squeeze pages.

If the offer is really attractive, then most customers will enter their mail id to get that offer. But, it should be that much tempting.

Usually, the offer will be an e-book, tutorials, free email course, video content etc. Customers enter their details based on your offer. Squeeze pages are also known as capture pages because it captures some details from visitors

Now the next question will be about the difference between the landing page and squeeze page. Actually, both are different terms.

All landing pages are not squeeze pages. A landing page means

But, a squeeze page has only one purpose. It is created to squeeze your email id. In return, they offer something valuable.

A short squeeze page is a type of landing page that helps you to build up your sale.

Qualities of a good squeeze page:

A good squeeze page should offer something priceless in exchange for the customer’s email address. Most preferable offers are

A video won’t work as an offer sometimes, because customers will find free videos on YouTube and other sites.

So, sending something unique as a return gift for their email address helps to gain a good customer base. After getting email ids, you can build a good relationship with them through emails.

These are the important qualities of a squeeze page-:

Squeeze Page Formats:

Squeeze page could be long, short and video squeeze pages.

Short Squeeze pages:

Short pages are simple and sweet in many cases. If you are creating a short squeeze page only information you want is an email address.

It doesn’t have any connection with Google traffic. So, short squeeze pages are always popular.

Long Squeeze pages:

In some cases, long squeeze pages work better. It helps to create a good bond between you and your customers.

You can describe all the information about your offers including your logo. This type of squeeze page will help you if you are trying to get more traffic from Google Adwords.

Video Squeeze page:

Video contents will help you in some cases. This type is getting popular now.

Sometimes through writing, you cannot express your ideas clearly. A good video with a clear description of your product and its specialties will work better.

Some more popular squeeze page formats are pop-ups, splash page etc. In the Pop-up page, readers will first read your offer and if they don’t want it, they will click the ‘X’ button.

You can also set up your home page as a squeeze page. This is known as a Splash page.

Customers will only get access to your page if they went through the enrollment procedure. Otherwise, they will go away from your site.

A cookie is a good option to help regular readers to avoid your squeeze page. Also. Try to deliver their offer as soon as possible. Don’t try to cheat them by squeezing their email address. That may affect your business negatively.

How to Create a Squeeze Page that Converts?

After all details about a squeeze page here I am going to give you some tips to create an attractive Squeeze page

1. Find out a good offer:

The first step is to decide the offer you are going to give instead of giving their email id. Make audience fall in your offer. You can create offers easily like an eBook or a product video.

Your offers should be convincing for the audience. For example, if you are marketing a furniture shop you can offer your customers about various trendy designs that are selling in your shop currently. Explaining all the details with good images will attract their attention

Also, the offer should be such that it must enhance your business. If we are taking the same example of a furniture shop if you offer them the most modern economical designs, then it won’t attract every customer. There will be a small group who don’t want to spend money lavishly. Your offer only attracts them. So, it is essential to give an offer that attracts a wide range of audience.

2. Choose a good landing page building tool:

You can create a landing page yourself by using some tools. There are many tools available in the market. It is better to use a simple tool that gives you a good design. It is simple and easy to use landing page building tool.

Choose one that combines with your email autoresponder service to create an effective landing page. Using a simple user-friendly email service provider helps you to follow with your new leads. SqueezeMe, Current, MiniMax etc are some popular tools you can try at a beginning stage.

3. Add a Strong message:

Crafting a strong message is essential to get the attention of customers. You should convince the advantage of subscribing your page. You can explain it in simple words. don’t complicate it in writing long paragraphs.

Are you new to the business?

One important rule of business is ‘your customer is the king’. They can decide whatever they want.

So don’t try to compel them using strong works. Just explain what the offer is about in simple words.

Express your thoughts straightforward and if you cannot succeed get help from some professionals. Writing long boring paragraph will affect your business negatively.

4. A good background image:

From recent surveys, it is clear that a squeeze page with an attractive image works better than a plain squeeze page.

But many people get confused when it comes to choosing an image for their squeeze page. It is advisable to use an image that is related to your business.

You can use squeeze pages with appropriate navigation:

Directional elements are not mandatory in your squeeze page. If you have it, try to make all of them point to your headline or an important call to action option. Don’t use bold lines because it will distract your visitors.

Use attractive page color:

Spend some time to find an appropriate logo and background color. Choose appropriate text field, design harmony, headline color etc.

Use your company logos or images to build your brand recognition. So choose one appropriately. You can also use contrast backgrounds. Colorful pages have the power to make an impact on users.

5. Call to Action:

A strong Call to Action will create magic. Create a simple and short page with a well-built call to action. It is better to present it simply in a spot.

Call to Action button navigates the visitor what to do and why. You will see Call to Action options like Download Now, Subscribe, Get free eBook and many more. You can choose one, appropriate for your offer.

Free’ word will attract many. You can use a free report, free subscription, and many other attractive options.

Choose a suitable button to match with your background color. Don’t complicate squeeze page using multiple Call to Action.

Some other important points:

As a word with much significance, a squeeze page is a useful marketing tactic you can use. This will help to increase your subscription base. As it increases your email list, you can connect with your customers through emails.

When it comes to digital marketing there are not any common rules. Each marketer believes in different concepts. Try useful marketing options one by one.

You can also try a trial and error method. No one is perfect. Try one method and wait for the results. If results are negative you can try a different option. Building an email list is very important in a business. Getting squeeze pages is the best option.

Your customer’s choice is very important to your site and product. So, it is better to adjust your squeeze page according to customer choice.

What have you decided?

Are you going to add a squeeze page to your site?

Follow the above steps to get success with your new business strategies.

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