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The SEO Secrets You Need to Know to Push Website to Top

Knowing SEO and implementing it properly is like cruising high tides in Oceans.

While the ships are our businesses, high tides are the Google algorithms, competitors are our cyclones and as the captain of our ship, it is our responsibility to make the ship reach the land (i.e.) make our SEO business a great success.

A captain should know how to monitor a ship during the ‘rough sea’ times.

Similarly, as an SEO business holder, you should also know some of the extraordinary and actionable SEO tips that most of the SEO business holders don’t know.

Most of us will know pretty much about the SEO techniques that have helped to elevate Google rankings since time immemorial.

While these techniques have always fetched better results, there are some other SEO techniques (which will be revealed in this article) that can be implemented to see quick, positive changes in Google rankings. This article reveals the SEO secrets behind popular sites.

11 SEO Secrets Every Blogger Needs to Know:

1. Search for Extraordinary keywords:

We all know, proper keyword research forms the core of SEO optimization.

If you have selected the right set of keywords and implemented them in the right places, it will not only save you lots of time, but you would have inadvertently saved a lot of money and energy.

This would have been subsequently wasted on overthinking, brainstorming sessions, resources and of course, expert suggestions.

There are four types of keywords, namely,

But, many people who begin with SEO optimization processes do not analyze the nature of their keywords and implement it properly.

So, begin by analyzing the keywords list that you are going to use on your website.

Start with long-tail keywords that are both navigational and informative, so that they can gain more prominence in Google pages.

2. Construct a user-friendly website:

A great website with appealing images will always attract visitors. A great website architecture will help Google bots to collect more information from your website and include it in their list of recommendations for the users.

The more your average-session of collecting information is, the more is your site traffic.

So, follow these SEO secrets while constructing your website:

3. Provide more internal links:

Most of the SEO specialists concentrate on providing more and more inbound links, but, they clearly underestimate the value of giving proper internal links on websites.

Linking new webpages with old, already existing subpages will always boost the ranking value of your websites.

You do not need installing keywords for this technique. You only need some old, traffic attracting webpages that can do the trick.

4. Optimize your site for Google RankBrain:

Google’s RankBrain is basically a machine learning algorithm, which possesses the ability to measure how your webpages interact with Google and provide you rankings depending on the interactions.

That is, RankBrain will turn your keywords into a set of understandable concepts and up ranks your page based on the satisfaction of the user.

The happier the users are, the more your site-traffic will be.

You can say backlinks, keywords and other traditional signals will make you do the trick of climbing the pages of Google.

But, remember Google has now started to rely heavily on the RankBrain algorithm to categorize its results. RankBrain is now perceived as one of the most used algorithms of Google.

So, how do you optimize the site for Google RankBrain?

Here are some SEO secrets that can help you to increase your site rankings.

a) Improve your site’s Organic Click to Rate (CTR):

Google RankBrain needs many people to click your webpage in the Google results for elevating your ranking.

If people don’t click your results, then Google pushes down your webpage vicinity, which decreases your site-traffic.

So, optimizing your site for CTR vicinity is extremely important. One of the tried out and easier ways to improve your CTR ranking is to add numbers in your title pages.

That is, Instead of writing ‘ways to improve your SEO visibility’, you can write ’20 fool proof hacks to increase your SEO visibility’.

By this way, people will show interest in reading your article, which will increase your CTR.

b) Improve both the bounce rate and dwell times of your website:

When optimizing your site for Google RankBrain, you must remember that your success lies in the happiness and satisfaction of the users.

What if users leave your site after some 2 to 3 seconds?

Google will consider this as a bounce and will automatically push down your rank.

So, you have to improve your bounce rate (i.e.) you have to increase the user time of your website. The longer the searchers stay in your site, the more your rankings will be. This is known as the dwell time.

Compelling introductions, luring pre-introductions, usage of infographics and GIFs will help you to increase both the dwell time and bounce rates of your website.

5. Discover some untapped keywords in forums like Quora, Reddit:

Forums like Quora, Reddit are regarded as “The front pages of the internet”. But, what many people do not know is that these forums are the GOLDMINES for keywords.

You need to First head over to these forums.

Quora has many subdivisions for every genre like AI, sports, entertainment, etc.

Head directly to these sub-genre forums depending on the concept that you are going to post on your website.

If you are unsure of your sub-genre, then search it in Quora and see the type of results you are getting.

If many people are talking about the same topic, then there are many chances that the topic is on trend on the internet. These trending topics will become a virtual GOLDMINE for your keyword research.

6. Do a Schema Markup optimization:

Yes, you heard it right. Google loves schema. But, why does Google show so much affinity for Schema?

Schema codings are specially designed markings that possess the ability to instruct the bots about the webpages.

The more the Google bots understand your website, the more your webpage ranking will be.

Rich snippet results, rich display for mobile-friendly websites are the results of good Schema coding.

Schema markup optimization makes your websites bot-friendly and can skyrocket your presence in Google web results page.

7. Copy the ads of Google Adwords to create killer titles and luring meta-description tags:

Hey…it is no secret that killer titles and captivating meta-description can bring in more traffic.

More Organic links = increased Google rankings

How do you ensure that people click all your webpages and read its contents?

Take a look at Google’s Adwords

The AdWords that you see for various ads contain some competitive keywords that have the ability to elevate your pages in the search results.

These keywords present in google ads are placed after a lot of split tests and maximized click results.

So, placing these keywords will help Google to relate your contents with its AdWords. These keywords will serve as magnets that will help your article to get attracted by Google easily.

Added with these, creating killer titles and meta-description tags that contain a wide array of Adwords based keywords will ensure that your content is a massive hit.

8. Search for deadlinks and invest your energy on them:

Investing your ideas on deadlinks and helping sites to improve their quality will help you to increase your SEO visibility and site traffic.

For instance, let us consider that you are going to write an article about time-tested white-hat SEO techniques to improve your traffic.

Before writing your article, do a quick Google search with the following phrase,

Site: [white-hat SEO techniques] + “dead link”.

Wikipedia has a lot of articles in different genres that contain dead or broken links. So, doing a Google search with the above search phrase will earn you results with SEO techniques that contain dead links.

Clicking on the desired results will take you to the pages that contain the necessary dead links.

Take a look at the dead links along with the context in which these dead links were being used as references.

Having reviewed them, start writing articles that are relevant to the contexts of the dead links. Then edit the Wikipedia articles with the dead links, remove them and insert your links there.

This is one of the known organic traffic increasing methods.

9. Steal the strategies of your opponents:

Yes, you must follow this technique when it comes to increasing your site’s evaluability.

To begin with, do a quick google search to know who all your competitors are (that is, who are the owners of the blogs that post contents in the same genre as yours).

Visit their sites and skim their contents. Get to know their traffic rates and the number of comments, social media shares they get for each of their articles.

Most importantly, find out the exact list of keywords for which their site gets trended in Google.

Steal their most prominent keywords and try to extensively use them in your own content. That is, you are doing reverse engineering of the sites that are already trending on Google and trying to imitate some snippets of their strategies.

After this stage, head to sites like Spyfu or SEMrush. You will get a list of all the keywords for which your competitor’s site ranks within the top 10 places in Google.

Do some organic searches to filter their most-powerful and most inevitable keywords. This way you can weed out the list of all keywords that barely makes any sense for your business.

After making a comprehensive list of all the keywords that you need, write an awesomesauce content with these keywords as its axis.

Post your content in your website and provide some internal links to it.

Now, just sit back and relax…!! Google will do the rest.

10. Utilize SERP completely:

Do you know anything about Google’s SERP? If not, learn its basics quickly because SERP is another GOLDMINE you need to trap to increase your SEO visibility.

SERP stands for Search Engine Page Results. There are many subdivisions in SERP, namely,

So, you need to structure the data of your website for more prominence and greater visibility in Google.

Of course, there are many other techniques like increasing the validity of the snippets to increase Google SERP rankings.

However, Structured data presentation is one of the foolproof and most commonly used methods to increase the SERP rankings of your websites.

Since structuring your data and content, helps you to rev up your SEO rankings, it makes your website to look better in the eyes of Google, which will obviously skyrocket your Google ranking presence and improve your SEO visibility and site traffic.

Of course, it is not possible for you to feature in all types of SERP results. So, choose the one wherein you need to come up and start working on it.

Tip: Usually, the general SERP which consists of a plethora of organic, image, news and video-based results are considered as the best place to improve your rankings.

11. Prominent social share buttons:

Social media can either skyrocket a person/content or it can even deprive one’s opportunity.

Such is its power in the digital world. So, you need to harbor your presence in social media to gain maximum visitor and a loyal visitor base.

Share all your content in popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. for your followers to know that you had released new contents.

Also, provide email subscriptions to all your visitors. This will increase your site traffic and SEO visibility.

Today, the ‘so-called’ SEO Secrets are no secrets at all. It’s just the common sense approach that you can use to improve your website prominence in Google’s webpage results.

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