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How to Improve Your Search Engine Visibility Easily

Are you finding it difficult to gain visitors on your website or blog posts?

May be, improving your content’s search engine visibility is the way out.

But what search engine visibility exactly means and how to increase it?

In this post, we will talk about the same.

What is Search Engine Visibility?

Search engine visibility is the percentage total of possible organic clicks that a website receives for a particular keyword.

In other terms, it is the number of impressions received by a website for a particular search query. It is the total percentage of users that see the website upon entering a specific search query into the search box.

According to Ahrefs, search engine visibility implies:

Most of the SEO tools hold their own metrics that record the search engine visibility of a website. According to Moz, this is known as search visibility.

Hence, search engine visibility lets you measure the share of traffic that a website gets for a particular keyword.

You now know how important it is. So, here check the tips to improve your site’s search engine visibility.

Tips to Increase your Search Engine Visibility:

1. Create a Blog After Proper Keyword Research:

The best way to boost your blog post’s search engine visibility is to create the blog only after doing proper keyword research.

It is because the keyword is already visible in search engines. And only you have to rank your content for a specific keyword.

To rank for a specific keyword, you have to do keyword research. Your keyword research is successful only when it answers the following questions.

In addition to this, the other reason to start a blog after keyword research is that you must not spend time on creating a post, which no one is going to see. But when you create content for a keyword with decent monthly search volume, it means you are creating content that people are looking for.

It is best to consider using long-tail keywords, which you can rank for. There are various keyword research tools available having varying difficulty score. However, there is a possibility that two keyword research tools may offer you different or varying results.

2. Target or Incorporate Long-Tail Keywords:

Another way to increase search engine visibility is by targeting long-tail keywords.

There are different kinds of keywords available:

Long-tail keywords – Such keywords include more than three keywords like adventure trips for families, a hairdresser in California, and more.

Middle keywords – Such keywords include two keywords like modern jewelry, vintage cars, classic furniture, and more.

Head keywords – These keywords are single words such as travel, gaming, movies, and more.

Long-tail keywords have lower search volume in a month. Also, they have much lower competition. Moreover, long-tail keywords connect you directly with searchers who are close to the end of the buyer’s journey.

3. Create Posts with High Topical Authority:

One way to improve search engine visibility is by creating content, which has high topical authority.

Google is very good at understanding the online content meaning.

Its algorithms can identify groups of words, which cluster together in specific patterns. This means Google can map out topics as well as sub-topics related to such topics.

It means Google is likely to understand the depth and breadth of the topic you are writing about. It implies Google can estimate the content’s topical authority. Posts that receive high topical authority will reach to the top search results.

4. The Content Must be Simpler to Read:

The simpler your content is to read, the longer your visitors will stay on the page. When visitors spend more time on the page, the higher that page goes into the search results.

Some ways to enhance the readability of your content are:

Smaller size fonts strain readers to read the posts. We suggest keeping the minimum font size to 18 pixels so that it is readable.

With shorter sentences, the content is much simpler to read. Use the Hemingway Editor to check your writing for shorter and simple sentences. Follow the suggestions until your content is clear of highlighters.

Long paragraphs mean a big block of content. Very few readers prefers reading long paragraphs.

It is best to create shorter paragraphs, which are not more than 3 sentences. You can even maintain the paragraph length to 1 sentence.

One known fact is that Google prefers content with proper structure. It is because it is easy to read a well-structured content.

Using sub-headings and headings break the text into a proper structure. Also, sub-headings and headings can be used to insert LSI words and keywords. This way, Google, as well as visitors, understand better about your content.

One prominent ranking factor in Google is the clickable Table of Content.

Including such a table makes the content more accessible to the readers. It will keep visitors for longer on the page. It even improves the user experience metric leading to a higher ranking.

Transitional phrases or words are short sentences such as one paragraph to the next. They are conversational and so engages the readers for long and keep them moving down to the page.

Using transitional words or phrases makes the content more engaging. Hence, it keeps readers for longer on the page.

5. Earn Backlinks with High Authority:

Links with high authority points from other sites to the web pages can work excellently well to improve your site’s search engine visibility.

Such links are also known as backlinks or inbound links and are a top ranking factor in Google.

However, you can earn gains from backlinks only if they are from high authority sites. Moreover, the site from which you earn a backlink must be related to your industry or niche.

Hence, the links must be a relevant and high authority. For this, you can follow these ways.

Such posts rank the top influencers in your industry. They can go viral and a large number of people may tend to link such articles to their page.

This increases the domain authority.

These are articles where you need to ask 30-50 experts in your industry a simple question. Your question must give an answer to the readers or may solve any one of their queries.

Compile the received answers into one article.

You now have a content piece, which generates high authority backlinks.

It is a service that links journalists or reporters with sources, which means you.

These reporters are looking for a few paragraphs they can use in the next post. In exchange, you will receive a ‘dofollow’ link back to your website.

People who have already purchased the products and happy with it will offer you testimonials. They can even give you a ‘dofollow’ link.

It is an efficient way to gain high authority backlinks.

6. Make Sure Your Website Has a Fast Loading Speed:

It is one of the important and easiest ways to quickly boost the search engine visibility of your site.

The Speed Update introduced by Google in 2018 clearly indicates that a website loading faster has a higher chance of better ranking.

By 2015, more than half of the searches on Google were carried on mobile devices. In fact, in 2017 mobile took over the desktop as a major source for web traffic.

Desktops are mainly linked to a high-speed cable. However, mobile devices are linked to 3G and 4G networks, which are much slower.

Google always prefer offering search results to sites that load fast on the mobile device. If it is unable to do so, searchers will begin looking out for other search engines.

For this reason, Google now prefers websites in search results, which have a page load time of fewer than 2 seconds.

The best ways to improve the speed of your website are:

7. Incorporate Keywords in Appropriate Places:

We are most of the time asked what the correct keyword density is.

However, this one is an outdated concept, which belongs to the era when search engines don’t know about the content meaning.

With the introduction of semantic indexing, it is now important to distribute the keywords throughout the content of semantically associated words.

It is a good way to signal Google clearly about your content. The best way to do is to include the main keyword in such places:

8. Create Content as Per Searcher’s Intent:

Searcher intent is the thing that a person enters into when typing a search query into the search engine. In order to rank well for that keyword, it is important to understand the search intent behind the keyword.

Use the ‘SERP checker’ by using the keyword.

For example, you may find a keyword with low competition and good search volume. Hence, you write an article about the same.

But when you identify the first page of the search results, there is an issue.

Every result on the first page is for a web application that checks SERP rankings. It means, people searching for the specific term are searching out for software and not an article.

In order to know the searcher intent behind a keyword, it is best to enter the keyword into Google and check the page 1 Results.

9. Generate Topic Clusters:

Topic clusters can improve the search engine visibility of your site to a great extent.

Search engines can estimate the topical authority of a content piece. But at the same time, they can measure the topical authority of the entire site.

The algorithms of search engines can easily detect groups of articles created on the same topic. This is known as the topic cluster.

A topic cluster consists of:

10. Improve the Organic Click Through Rate:

CTR or Click Through Rate is the percentage of people clicking on the SERP listing. It is convenient to think that reaching on the top page is the ultimate important thing.

But still, you need to influence searchers to click on the SERP listing.

The SEO title is your article’s title which appears in the search results. The Meta Description is 3 textual lines to appear under the SEO title.

It is simple to set the Meta description and SEO title of your post. You can gain more clicks from the SEO title by:

Some additional tips to gain more clicks from the Meta description are:


While these tips can definitely increase the search engine visibility of your website or post, there are other additional tips you can consider. It is always best to research competition, incorporate SEO-friendly URL structure, use an SEO-friendly WordPress theme, and incorporate LSI keywords in the content.

Most importantly, create a mobile-friendly website so that you can increase the search engine visibility of your website or post. All the best!

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