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How to Choose a Professional Email Address

Email address is very significant nowadays. There are many free mail services available like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo mail etc. Everybody creates separate mail ids for personal and business uses.

It’s up to you. You can create one for you as you wish. Most people create a personal id with creative names.

So, what is the difference between a professional and a personal email address?

If you are into business, you cannot use your personal mail address to communicate with your clients. It is not a professional way. You have to create a professional mail address.

When you give an advertisement about your company, try to give a catchy email address. It may help to attract more customers and play a major role in shaping your business.

A custom-made business address that ties with appropriate mailbox avoids confusion between business messages and personal one.

Now you heard the term professional mail address many times. But you need to know what is the real meaning of the term.

What is a professional email address?

When an email address is used for business needs it is called a professional mail id.

A professional mail id should be unique. The most professional address comes as a subscript of the mailbox on the domain name.

There are many sites which offer domain name. You can buy a suitable name from those sites if you want to make it spam free.

Why you need a custom email address for your business?

Free sites such as Gmail, Yahoo and outlook will be full of spammy messages.

When you buy domains, those accounts block these unwanted messages. A prospective customer can judge you with a free mail address.

Don’t give them a chance to pre-judge you by your mail address. It is better to get a custom mail address for business purpose only.

So, now you may think what is so important about creating a professional mail address?

Advantages of creating a professional email address:

It gives a good impression of your company:

A good professional mail address gives the right impression of your company. A general mail address shows your inexperience and unprofessional operation.

It promotes your brand image:

A professional email address helps to build your brand power among customers. More professional approaches attract them and help to give you a place in the market.

It will help to build trust and credibility among customers:

A professional email address helps to bring trust among customers. If it is from a branded mail then they believe in your company’s genuineness.

Help to spread brand awareness:

By sending mail from a professional address with company’s name on, it helps to spread brand awareness among customers.

Won’t end up in spam folder:

A company promotion with a random mail address will end up in the spam folder of consumers mail. A branded name helps from spammy folders and it keeps your mail out of trash or junk folders.

Increases productivity and can easily manage teams and operations

By creating a professional email address, you can prevent hacking which is very common in free email sites. So, protect your data by creating your business mail address.

Free email services sometimes crash down which leads to losing your emails. By creating a business address, you will get backup protection and full privacy.

Now you understood the importance of a professional mail address. Before going to details there are some important criteria you have to follow while creating a business mail address.

It should be related to your company name.

Try to choose unique names that attract your clients.

Also, the name should be easy to remember.

Now let’s check some basic tips for creating an effective email address. Check out some basic rules before creating one for your business.

Choose easy names:

If your name is difficult to spell them make it simple. You can make an address with your name on it. You can use a shortened version of your name or just use three letter initials. Don’t repeat letters because it leads to confusion.

Don’t complicate your email address by using complicated names. It is better to use some easy and catchy name so that your customers won’t forget it. This is very important while creating a business address. Make your address memorable in some innovative way.

For example, if your name is Jerry Mathew you cannot use the whole name in your email address. Suppose he works to make my day. Let’s take a look at some possible mail addresses.



You can use the above combinations or try something else to make it catchier. This is very important to attract more potential customers.

Domain name shows your credibility:

A professional domain name is very important. There sites like Gmail, Hotmail etc. where you can create a business id.

But they don’t have uniqueness because anyone can create a mail id on these sites. It is advisable to create an id which has your company name as the domain.

It may not be a familiar domain for the recipients. But a custom-made domain makes your business seem professional.

Let’s take the previous example. If your mail address is like nobody thinks it as a business address. But if your mail address is then that looks like a professional one.

Don’t waste your credibility by using free domains. Customers can easily judge your business by just seeing your domain name. Domain name related to your business help them to understand what it is about.

Don’t use nicknames or numbers on email address:

It is inappropriate to use your nickname or secondary name on your professional email address. You can use them to create your personal mail address. It’s not professional to use them in your business address. Don’t spoil your reputation by choosing secondary names.

Also, it is better to avoid using numbers in your mail address. It is inevitable to add something unique to make your id different. Because if you choose to give your full name in mail address sometimes the site won’t accept it.

There will be many other persons with the same name. We add numbers to make your name acceptable. But it won’t work in the business mail address. Customers will think your mail as untrustworthy spammy mail. So, it is better to avoid adding numbers in your business mail address.

Can assign different mail address for each department:

This is a good idea to identify each department of your company. You don’t have to assign separate mail id on anybody’s name. Name it based on your service department. If you are creating mail address for customer support department then name it as like this you can assign different mail address for all departments

It helps to easily identify the purpose of your mail. So, this makes your mail address more professional. If you have to create mail address for each and everyone from all department, it is difficult. Make your task easy by assigning a generic name for each department

Avoid using names related to your race and religion:

This is a very important thing to be noted. Avoid any marks related to your religion or race in your mail address. It is unethical to your profession. Username should be free from any references related to your personal details. Be professional because your mail id is the representation of your business.

Don’t indicate job position:

When creating a mail address for your business don’t specify your designation.

For example, if your business mail is like ‘’ then it won’t work. This username shows the designation of a particular person which is the least concerning factor for a receiver.

Avoid using mistakes like this while you create one for your business. You can use this at the end of your mail instead of using this on your mail address. Mail address like these won’t create a positive impact on receivers.

No need to choose gender specific names:

By reading some usernames we cannot identify whether it’s a male or female name. This doesn’t have any significance while creating a mail address. Customers won’t care whether the sender is a woman or a man. They only concentrate on the content.

You can avoid this confusion by specifying your gender on mail signature line. Don’t try to prove it on your email address.

Now you got an idea about some important points that should consider before creating a business mail address. Next, I am explaining about steps to create your custom email address

Steps for creating a business address

Step 1: Get a Domain name

This is the main step to create a custom mail address. You can choose any domain names from many available names. Popular domains naming services are GoDaddy, Namecheap, Hover and iwantmyname. GoDaddy is most popular among them

Check their offers and choose the most affordable one. After deciding a domain name check a mail address with it. Check the desired domain available for you. If it is registered by someone else you cannot own it. Then you have to find another name.

Now, you can sign up using basic information and payment options. After payment, your account will be registered.

Step 2: Decide a mail hosting provider

Select an email hosting provider based on its technical support, storage capacity, technical support, and offers. Popular providers are Google, Office 365, Zoho mail, Fast mail, ProtonMail, Pobox etc.

The process of creating an email is pretty much the same with all hosting clients. You can follow their sign -up procedure and get your own custom mail address. A web hosting provider will give you a range of email option like-:

Mail Forwarding:

This is a facility that gives you an official mail address. But, if you want to forward it to your personal mail address the provider forwards it. You can set this up easily.

The only thing to be noted with mail forwarding is that when you reply from that it will indicate your personal mail address. So, if you don’t want to reveal your personal Id to your clients then don’t use this facility.


In this system, all emails are stored in a server operated by your host. You and your staffs can access it via a web browser. The process is the same as accessing Gmail or Hotmail. Sometimes you might have multiple email address to deal with. It varies in each provider.

Connectivity with email clients:

If you registered with a desktop email client application you can combine them to work with the domain you already registered. Your emails can be downloaded into your system or server within your company.

If you want, you can set up multiple addresses. You will get many facilities like calendar integration. It is a bit difficult to create multiple mail address but if you want you can try it.

Step 3: Use it for your business communication

After doing the above steps you can use it as your business mail address. Do all your business communication using this mail address.

Give your business a professional approach and gain trust from your customers. It is essential for your business growth.

Got an idea about the importance of professional email address?

When you are into business always try to maintain credibility. This is a world of competition. Everybody tries to implement new strategies and ideas to make their place better. So don’t think twice.

Before creating a business, address follows these simple procedures and tips. You can create an attractive mail address that helps you to attract more customers. Go forward with your hard work and good efforts will lead you to success. So, don’t look backward to think about your loss. You can gain more with your perseverance.

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