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The Best LinkedIn SEO to Boost your Profile Views

Over the past couple of years; LinkedIn has managed to establish itself as a social media for several businesses. This means that there are several people who are available to interact with and that you can connect with them very easily.

If you have your personal profile already set up, we are sure it won’t be a problem for you anyway.

In this post, we are going to enlist some really interesting SEO tricks and tips that can help you get the kind of ranking you are looking for. Go ahead and check them all out!

The Best LinkedIn SEO Guide:

1. Make changes in the URL:

The first thing you should do is change the URL. This should be static instead of dynamic. And when you are doing it, make sure to change the name on your profile along with all the random characters and long ID numbers which are generally difficult to index.

When you change the structure of the URL, there will definitely be some positive changes in the search engines you’d get to see. In case you are wondering how to do it, the process is really simple.

You can click on the profile page and then press the link which is linked with the account. In the sidebar, you will see the URL section where changes can be made manually.

2. Your profile should be public:

There are several people who like to keep their profiles private. If you are one of them, do make this one change and make sure others are able to see you.

LinkedIn gives you the option to make changes in your privacy section. The easiest way to get this done is by clicking on the view profile option.

Then go to the public profile settings and look for the option that lets you make your profile visible. If you really want great results, we would advise you to select all the squares.

3. Get the best keywords:

Always remember that the keywords that you have must be good enough. You should use keywords that are relevant and then sprinkle that all over the content.

This is advisable for those who want to write a good job description and a decent job title.

If you come across a few descriptions from other profiles that you find good enough, don’t feel shy from taking that up. At least, they could inspire you to do better.

You can also use a good dose of targeted words that you feel any employer would be searching for.

However, if you don’t feel like using a long description, use the Summary section which comes across as more expressive. You can use solid keywords to separate them.

4. Have the best content:

LinkedIn happens to be one of the best platforms that encourage everyone to upload their content and share all their thoughts and ideas with the help of this beneficial network.

The next time, you are putting up a post; make sure it has all the right connections.

Google generally likes quality, uniqueness, and relevance. You shouldn’t make the mistake of simply copying everything you see.

Make sure to find something that inspires you. Put all the information you have gathered on a piece of paper. Notify the setting of your network and promote it in the network itself.

5. Have a good job title:

It is also important to have a nice job title. A lot of recruiters look for people to employ on the basis of the keywords that match the job. So you should offer them something they want.

The best way to get this done is by taking a look at the jobs you have done before and search for the roles and responsibilities that match.

You can also compare a few titles and then extract those keywords that can help you. A lot of people have tried and tested this and it has turned out quite helpful for them.

6. Learn to build a proper link:

One of the most essential points you should never forget is that building a link is essential when it comes to getting decent rankings on LinkedIn.

It is also considered helpful for those who are into Google Indexing. The best news is that you may use the inbound links on the profile to maximize the results.

For this, you have to click on the contact button, add the links to Twitter, WeChat along with various other websites and blogs. Users generally tend to synchronize this with their profiles so that they can post at the same time on all of their platforms.

However, do not forget to add all the important links to the experience section. Your education section should also not be kept empty. This helps in building a good strategy too.

7. Boost The Text Using Links:

These days many profiles on LinkedIn will allow their members to at least add three links. This is for a personal website, portfolio, blogs as well as a personal website.

The biggest problem with such titles is that they are not considered very SEO friendly. You can fix that however by checking the contact info page followed by websites.

A window will pop here where you can customize the links, edit them and then select the other option for the dropdown. The Website Title must have a title that is flooded with keywords. This will give it the best definition too.

8. Use a professional image:

The next most important step is to upload a decent picture. Uploading images is helpful because obviously, it gives you an identity and helps the person understand whether you are real or not.

Plus, there are a lot of people who have the same name. So giving a decent picture is deemed as really helpful. Also, not having a good image on a professional network is not looked at very highly.

You must remember to keep things very consistent in such cases. Ensure that all your social media platforms have decent and professional looking shots.

9. Recommendations are important:

Getting yourself some endorsements and recommendations allows people to know that you are within the field itself and have worked with the right people. That way, those who are searching for you, will be able to see some potential in you.

It could be one of the best ways to show your clients that you are great at doing what you are and have the best proof regarding business skills.

Make sure you are honest and genuine when it comes to the endorsements, recommendations and don’t hope for a miracle to happen suddenly. It will occur when it has to.

10. Share your own content:

Sharing your own content is a great way to boost your chances of having newer connections. It drives some insane traffic, gets more attention with the latest blog posts and projects and gets you exactly what you are looking for.

A lot of people tend to put their best works on the projects area so that people can take a look at it. Adding the best keywords will help you figure things out as well. You may also do another interesting thing.

If you find a piece of content that is interesting, make sure to add it to the network and share it. This will help you build a good community.

11. Add the LinkedIn URL everywhere:

One of the most important points you can remember is to have the URL of your LinkedIn everywhere. This is not promoting yourself shamelessly. This is more about coming across as visible to people so that your chances of landing a job are more than others. Also, you should have valuable content to post.

Adding a custom LinkedIn everywhere such as a business card, resume, twitter page, and email signature will help a lot. You can add them in all places and the results will come sooner than you can imagine.

12. A good summary is highly essential:

You should make sure to write a good profile summary. The best way you can get this done is by not using them way too much. You need to integrate those words within the summary to make sure the visibility on the website increases.

The summary is actually the best place to focus on the target, the benefits people can receive by working with you.

The client who picks you won’t be that interested in seeing how much have don’t so far but what you can accomplish in the future. Make sure to use those keywords which balance your credibility with the help of results that boost ranking.

13. Your experience matters:

One of the best ways to increase your SEO rankings on LinkedIn is by adding those keywords within the experience section. Even though it is highly essential to boost your credibility by sharing all of your previous experiences, make sure to use the right keywords and rank them well.

One of the best ways to get this done is by creating many job titles within the company by using every title within a keyword. An example can be used to explain this.

If you are on LinkedIn and add positions such as lead generation expert, SEO, social media marketing and other profiles that you have worked as before, you will automatically be able to increase the profile as well as the ranking

14. Make the most out of your skills:

LinkedIn is the best in so many ways. It allows you to add approximately 50 skills on the profile. You can use the section to add the target keywords within the skills.

Once you have added your skills, order them once again to make sure the keywords have been prioritized.

LinkedIn will generally ask you questions regarding your networking in case they would like to show off your skills as endorsements.

If you get more endorsements, it will help the search rankings. This happens to be a great way to increase search ranking. So make sure to use this section fully.

Ways to avoid mistakes while trying to get profile ranking:

And before we bring the post to an end, here are two tips that can help you get some good profile ranking and hopefully avoid mistakes.

1. Get the details correct:

Most people tend to make big mistakes when it comes to setting up their profile on LinkedIn. This could actually act as a major disadvantage for them. Generally, you should create your profile, mention all experiences and make sure to check daily.

A lot of people simply make profiles and then don’t even utilize the services provided by LinkedIn. Don’t be like them. Use the services offered and log in often to keep your profile fresh.

2. Let your profile do all the talking:

If you want to find a good job, make sure your LinkedIn profile is speaking for you. But if you want to start a new business, then you must make sure to use the expertise in the best way possible.

You need to add information that is relevant on the profile such as the unique selling points, what sets you apart from the best, what your values are and how prospects challenges, problems, and needs can help you differentiate from the competition.

Following this tip will help you avoid stupid mistakes and get the kind of rankings you are looking for.

If you have enjoyed reading our post, don’t forget to give us thumbs up. You can also post a comment below for some quick feedback. For those of you, who have tried these tips, don’t forget to let us know about that as well. We are also very open to questions.

So make sure to add them as well. On that note, good luck and we hope our tips and tricks work out well in your favor.

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