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Google Omitted Results: What to Do When You End Up There

Don’t be surprised if I tell you that Google does not show all pages in its search results. This happens even when every page has the ability to gain a high ranking. Yes, it can happen even when your webpage is entitled to a higher ranking. When this thing happens, it is known as omitted results.

Though they may not trouble you a lot, sometimes they can be a pain point. If an important webpage or your site is mentioned in the omitted results of Google, nobody will be able to see it.

Luckily, we’ve got you covered and here tell you a few things to perform for getting over it!

But before we delve into the details, first let’s see what actually omitted results mean.

What do Omitted Results Mean?

Omitted search results are those, which Google excludes from its search pages. This is done to offer users a better experience.

Such results mainly offer details, which is similar to information in the result, which has been showcased. For this reason, such pages could be considered duplicate content.

Also, they can be considered a mechanism of defense for individuals who try to misuse the metrics and rank numerous pages on one keyword. This method is a kind of opposite doorway pages. It is because doorway pages mainly aim to get rank for different, multiple keywords.

In order to check deleted results, you may click till Google’s last page for a specific query. It will tell Google that you have not found what you have been looking for, and ultimately Google will display the omitted result message and permission to show omitted results.

When you repeat the search by including omitted results, the result pages will be displayed again. But this time, they will include some additional pages or websites, which were omitted earlier.

Though, results can be omitted under all circumstances. But there are two major scenarios where results may be omitted.

Let’s consider these two scenarios one by one.

Omitted Search Results for Already Ranking

You don’t have to worry much about such omitted results. They arise when multiple pages address a particular topic.

Just consider there are 4 forum pages regarding a particular topic. All of them talk about the same topic and are pretty good, but the post has been made by different users. So, Google now has to select the page that is greatest, display the same, and omits the remaining ones.

It might not affect you much, as you are even now ranking at the top for a single page. At least, your one page has made it to the rankings.

However, the problem occurs and needs more attention when there are innumerable pages opposing each other for the same keyword. If more pages are competing for a particular keyword, Google may find it difficult to decide what to display.

One proven fact is that if a search engine’s job is made simpler, it will offer you gains with better rankings. Hence, it is best to reduce irrelevant pages.

In this situation, if you wish to exhibit more result pages than one, it is better to design two different pages, delivering great value. Make sure that these pages have different content, titles, and are still appropriate to the subject.

Omitted Results for Websites Not Ranking

This is a situation where search results may be omitted for websites, which are not ranking at all. It is a big problem only to identify that your site is absent in search results.

Well, this mainly happens when your site content is quite similar to the content on other websites, which are ranking. This way, your website is not offering anything fresh to the users.

But there are numerous websites having similar content. So, why does it happen with you only?

This is mainly because of the age of the domain. A pioneer is always difficult but when regular attempts are made you gain success.

You don’t have to be boring, but the reality is you are required to offer great value to come out of omitted results. Simply, Google will not rank the website which is not offering value.

Hence, you need to do more hard work.

If you wish to get high rankings, you need to publicize. If you are copying content, don’t bother to try other ways. They will not work!

Why Google Creates Omitted Results?

Why results are omitted from Google’s search.

This is one question that most of the marketers think about when they see that their website or pages have been omitted from Google’s search results.

Well, the answer to this is simple. Google does this to offer users with the top experience.

Now, let me explain to you in detail.

It all started when lots of users began to complain about Google listing lots of results from a similar domain, thereby making the overall search experience a bad one.

You see, users don’t like to see lots of results from one domain. So, they complain about it and Google had to do something important about it.

For instance, when you search for a specific term, it can bring up 4 results from one domain ranking at the top and then results in a change. But performing this kind of search by including omitted results only brings results from one domain.

It is because such sites have separate pages for distinct kinds of cheese. This makes them all compete with the search query. Showing multiple results from one domain can be confusing to the user. It appears as if Google has got hacked by the website.

Moreover, it’s true that there is no limit to displaying pages in search results and Google is continuously making attempts to avoid showing a similar domain again and again when a person searches for anything. But there are always cases where manifold of listings from one domain are present.

Ultimately, if there are more pages ranking for a search inquiry with a similar domain, then it becomes difficult for any other page from the same domain for ranking for that particular query.

It becomes difficult to test the same because Google not always let you visit the last page of the search results. This is a kind of anti-spam method from Google.

Sometimes, all you see is the cautioning message from Google.

So, what does this imply?

It means those pages, which are deleted from search can rank high than ones, which are already displayed. But these pages are eradicated from the search before displaying results.

Though omitted search results are main pages from a domain, which already rank, still, it is possible that the result may get deleted and is replaced by other pages. This leaves you in a situation where Google drifts into the unknown and where that even last search page is better.

Also, it is probable that every search on this search engine deletes some results. It is because of the point that there are masses of pages that might target a specific topic. And in such a situation, it is difficult for Google to display all of them. Moreover, it is useless as most of the users don’t even visit more than two pages.

So, this concludes that there can be numerous factors, which may lead to the results being deleted.

As per the official statement from Google, it is possible to fix the problem my simply changing the Meta description and title.

However, Google may not always get it right and simply by changing the title you may not get out of omitted results. Almost all the examples of omitted search results are related to duplicate content in away. SEO factors like backlinks and page speed may play the part, but if it needs to include diverse content, Google will display the same, even if it requires a few seconds longer time to load.

Tips To Reappear Your Omitted Search Results:

I first want to tell you there are numerous ways to get your data unpublished from Google. But for this, you have to be sure that your website does not have any indexation issues. For this, perform a search to let Google index the page.

Besides this, here check the ways to let the omitted results reappear in search.

1. Incorporate Rich Content and Improve OnPage SEO:

This is one of the most important aspects to consider particularly when you are not ranking with another page. It is because failing to do so will let Google think that you are simply copying the existing content.

Use any content assistant and SEO keyword tool in order to create robust and unique content. Using such a tool will let you know about interesting topics to add to the content to make it appear more relevant for a particular query.

Further, along with writing new content on one topic, consider enhancing the old content with fresh updates. It is a good way to maximize the potential to rank and reduce the chances of experiencing duplicate content problems.

It is also vital to focus on enhancing the user experience by offering them better loading speed, improved design and site navigation.

2. Create a Flawless Website Architecture:

Your website may experience duplicate content problems if it has a bad architecture. It ultimately forces Google to delete results from the website. Regular occurrence of the same can reduce your ranking. Hence, this issue must be fixed at once.

One example is the structure of products and categories, where items can be identified in numerous categories. It will create varying URLs with the same content, competing for similar keywords. One easy way to fix the issue is by placing items in a different subfolder like products. The same applies to blogs and article categories. If your article will be listed in numerous categories, it is best to insert the URL right after the root domain rather than the categories.

If some of such pages are completely irrelevant, it is best to eliminate them and block the same from getting indexed using robots.txt folder. Alternatively, you can mark them using a no-index tag. But some of such pages can still avail relevant backlinks. So, it is best to 301 redirect to appropriate locations or utilize the rel=canonical Meta tag for displaying the preferred page within Google results.

3. Multiple Languages or Locations:

This is again a duplicate content problem, but you can fix the same with a different approach. It has nothing much to do with numerous languages because it needs only one language to happen. However, it has to do something with the hreflang Meta tag.

Consider you are selling products in varying regions. Such regions are English speaking, but their products are quite different. Hence, there are multiple pages available with similar content.

The difference among such pages can be created by considering the region. Moreover, you must properly add the hreflang Meta tag to get into the omitted results. This way, Google is able to know about where to show each version rather than figuring out everything on its own.

4. Rel=Canonical Meta Tags/301 Redirects:

If there are numerous pages, which don’t offer good value to a site or you don’t require them much you may 301 them to adequate areas. This way it will pass link equity.

A rich example of this is having a big website with the bulk volume of posts. Sometimes, a few topics may appear again. When there are numerous articles on one topic, Google may get confused regarding which article to showcase and which not. Hence, it is wise to delete undesirable or additional articles on the same topic.

But if you don’t want to do this, you may use rel=canonical Meta Tag to let Google know the version of the article, which you want to show in the search results.


You may not always worry about omitted results, but they can increase issues on your site. It is best to identify the issue and rectify the same to prevent your pages from being landing up into omitted search results.

Hope you have a wonderful experience and is able to manage omitted search results efficiently.

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