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How To Do Events SEO to Boost Visibility & Attendance

What results do you achieve when you search your events website on Bing or Google?

 Does your website rank at the top?

Are you able to surpass your competitors?

According to a study, more than half of the online users check and click on websites displayed on the first three pages of the search results. Considering this, it can be stated that it is vital to rank your events website at the top in the search results. This will let you gain the highest amount of traffic. Moreover, you can avail the desired sponsors, speakers, exhibitors, and attendees for your events.

Additionally, you can check your website’s ranking for other keywords, which may bring potential traffic to your site. For instance, if you are organizing a sales trade show in Ottawa, you can search for specific keywords like ‘trade shows,’ ‘marketing,’ Ottawa,’ ‘2019,’ and more. This way, you can earn organic traffic and better ranking for your events website.

The science behind this is that search engines display the results which it considers to be relevant to the users. It considers specific factors for particular algorithms.

If you want to build up your events website and want to rank it well on search engines, then we share some vital details about it through this post.

Let’s explore the vital details about ranking your events website at the top!

Important Details that Your Events Website Must Include:

Before I start with SEO for events website, I would first like to share about the vital details, which are important to include in your events website. You must include such details as it can offer more information to search engines, users browsing the website, as well as let you gain better rankings in the search engines.

  1. Name of Event – Your event must have a unique name. This makes your event different from other events. It is best if the name gives a slight description of the event.
  2. Time and Date of Event – The date and time of the event must be highlighted in a prominent place. This makes it easier for search engines to embed the details. Also, it let users know when the event is happening. It makes it easier for them to plan their schedule accordingly.
  3. Location of Event – The address of an event is extremely vital to the users. For search engines, it makes it easier to deliver relevant content to individuals near you. It is because search engines take the location into consideration when displaying results.
  4. Description of Event – You must include a short and easy-to-read description of the event. This lets users understand the page at first glance. The description must be placed on a prominent position on the landing page.
  5. Schedule of Event – The event schedule is an important piece of information to those involved in the event. It lets them know about time commitments, expectations to fulfill, and more. It makes it easier for them to plan their task accordingly. Search engines also find this information very important. They showcase the information on the search results page, which helps them boost the rankings, based on the queries users are looking for.
  6. Keynotes and Speakers – Audiences attending the event would definitely want to know about the speaker. Sharing the bios of speakers and topics they will be speaking about draws more interest from the attendees. Also, it helps you rank when the users search for particular names on the web.
  7. Videos and Photos of Event – Images helps developing a better connection with the users. By showcasing photos and images from previous events, you can let users have a brief idea of what the event is like to be. This encourages attendance. This, in particular, is great for search engines. It indicates quality content based on a user-centric approach. If you don’t have videos or images from previous events, you can outsource images.
  8. Information about Event’s Ticket – The pricing of the ticket is most important for the users to know. You can include options like early bird discounts, best deals, free passes, and other ticketing details. You can then share the ticket pricing details through email.
  9. Contact Details – From sponsors, exhibitors, to speakers, and attendees, everyone may have one or more questions. Hence, add clear contact details to your website.
  10. Directions or Map – Search engines prefer pages with relevant and detailed content. You can embed Google map with driving directions. Also, you can provide additional details like directions from public transit, airport, or other major intersections. Attendees find it helpful to reach out to the event.
  11. Transportation and Accommodation Details – If the event is a multi-day program, you then have to include information about airport transfer options and local accommodation. You can partner with transportation companies and hotels and include their link in the events page of your website. This helps to boost rankings as well.
  12. Press Pages – If your event is a big day, including a press page is a great idea to share the details with the press. Include details that may be relevant to them, like the availability of free tickets for specific media channels.
  13. FAQs – A wonderful way to avoid back to back questions is including an FAQ page. You can include frequently asked questions based on the queries, which occur in your previous events. If you think there can be other questions, which may arise, answer them online before they actually occur.
  14. Details Related Exhibitors and Sponsors – There are multiple things to consider when talking about sponsors and exhibitors. First, you must have a unique page that promotes the opportunity to become an exhibitor or sponsor. You can include package details as well as information regarding how to contact you. It is best to request email to share complete pricing details. Also, you can use the same information for sales opportunities. Through an email, you can also feature current exhibitors and sponsors.

How to do SEO for Events Websites?

You now know what all you must include in the content of your events website. The next important thing is to process search engine optimization. There are plenty of ways to optimize the website to boost organic rankings. Here is a list of some vital optimization techniques, which can boost the rankings of your website in search engines.

I here divide SEO for events website into two sections – On-page optimization and Off-page optimization. First, I will discuss the on-page optimization of the event website.

Events SEO On-Page Optimization:

This is the optimization practiced directly on the website. It is related to creating keyword-rich content, properly optimized Metadata, etc. The important on-page SEO aspects to consider for improving the events website rankings are:

1. Meta Description and Meta Title:

The search results on Google get displayed with a list of descriptions and titles with varying options. These titles and descriptions are pulled from Meta description and title, which is unique for each page.

If you are not setting this information for your event web page, Google fetches similar information from the homepage or website. But, most of the times, webpages without Meta description and tags fail to get searched by Google or tend to have lower rankings in the SERPs.

It is vital to include Meta description and title in your page to gain organic rankings. It is because of many reasons.

In order to write great Meta title, you must include an event location, date, and name into it. It must not be more than 60 characters. For writing great Meta description you must include a brief description of the event. It must be up to 260-300 characters. Most importantly, Meta description and titles must be unique to every page.

2. Headings:

Including headings enhances the readability of your content. It communicates search engines about your page. It is best to use bold and large text for the page title and smaller text for subtitles. The text can be much smaller for subheadings.

It is good to include headings using the ‘h’ tags. Heading options are also available on content editors like WordPress, CMS, and others. Use them for a better experience and results.

3. Event URL:

It is important to create a strong URL for the event page. For this,

4. Anchor Text:

This text is highlighted in the link. Use descriptive words by including the option of ‘click here.

5. Image Alt-Tags:

Image alt-tags are used mainly to inform readers and search engines about what the image is about. Search engines use this information for identifying the image as well. Including alt tags also aids SEO optimization.

6. Rich Snippets:

This lets you mark up the event details so that users can use the information from the search results page. It can bring you more clicks on the listing.

Events SEO Off-Page Optimization:

Off-page optimization is mainly related to build links. You can include links from third-party websites to gain better authority. This helps you bring the site to top rankings. The higher authority you have, the more benefits you can avail.

Moreover, it is essential to have different links. Avoid including purchased links or those from fishy websites. Focus on the relevant and organic link instead. Make sure you include the date, location, name, and important information of the event consistent across all platforms.

Some ways to gain more links and enhance your website’s online exposure are:

  1. Submitting press release to media outlets
  2. Have sponsors, exhibitors, and speakers promote the event
  3. Submit the event to online directories

1. Events SEO Technical Optimization:

In addition to on-page and off-page optimization, there are some technical improvements, which you must include to boost your website rankings.

1. Website Speed:

In order to offer users better experience, search engines offer better ranks to websites with great speed. Use the Google PageSpeed Insights Tool from Google to check the website speed and avail recommendations.

1. Security:

Google makes an announcement in 2017 regarding websites that are secure and those that are non-secure. In the present scenario, only secured websites can gain better ranking. Hence, make sure your website has ‘https.

3. Mobile Ready:

It is of utmost importance to have a mobile ready website to please mobile users, which account more than 50% of online traffic.

4. XML:

You can please search engines by including an XML sitemap in your website. It tells search engines about how you navigate the website. Make sure that the sitemap is easily searchable.

Summing Up:

You now know everything about optimizing your events website for the search engines. Whether you are organizing a small event or a large one, it is vital to implement all SEO techniques and practice technical optimization to avail better organic rankings.

Keep this Events SEO checklist handy while creating and optimizing your events website so that you can make it a big success!

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