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27 Best Content Promotion Strategies to Get More Traffic

Content marketing is the key factor behind the success of many digital marketing campaigns. To earn a profit, the company’s audience is connected with the wealth of valuable content. Content marketing is very advantageous. It helps the firm to build trust with the targeted audience and the business succeeds in establishing a positive brand reputation.

Why Content Marketing Is Important?

The conversion statistics say that many websites converted visitors into customers. They could do so only because of content marketing. Content marketing is important because:

Here are a few content promotion strategies which can be used to promote different contents:

Content Marketing and Social Media:

1. Twitter:

Your tweets should include self-promotional links. Don’t focus solely on conversations and promoting other brands. It will be better if you add a few lines of your content in your tweet. You can add some hashtags or special characters in your tweet. Twitter is the platform where you can promote your content and product very easily.

2. Facebook:

If not Twitter, then Facebook will also be a good option. You can post your content on Facebook. It will get so many views in very less time. Don’t forget to add an image to it. Give an attractive heading to your content. Tag related people. You can also ask your friends and family members to share your post. Once your post gets shared, you automatically start getting views and followers.

3. LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is as same as Facebook. The major difference is that LinkedIn is used for the professional purpose and Facebook is used in an informal way. When you post your content on LinkedIn, genuine people view your content. That’s where you get the expected response. Create your professional page and then share your content on it.

4. Quora:

Writing answers on Quora will be helpful. You have to find out someone who is discussing your topic. Then answer questions related to it. Many people post their content again. This won’t work. You don’t need to repost your article. You just have to write something which is unique and original. You can mention the link of your article at the end of the content.

5. Pinterest:

Pinterest is a designing website. It is used to post pictures or images. You can make the best use of it, to get views. But it is appropriate if you have visual content to post. You can add any image to your article. Then you can publish it on Pinterest. Be creative enough to insert a good picture.

6. Older networks:

There used to be a time when Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter was not there. It was the time when people used to use ‘Mix’, ‘Alltop’ etc. If you were also the user of such platforms, use them again. You may not know what advantage you may get from it. Perhaps few users still use them actively. Give it a try.

7. Social Media Automation:

It is a known fact that you cannot spend your time only in posting and re-posting your content. You have some other works to do so. There are few tools which save you from manually creating tweets and posts. Use such tools to promote your content easily. You have to post your content just once. It will automatically get shared on various accounts.

Some other Content Promotion Strategies:

8. Give credits:

It is not bad to mention people who love your article. You can take aid from ‘Twitter search tool’. From there you will be able to find people who have large followings. It is also important to get in touch with those who will share your content. You can give credits to them at the end of the article.

9. Follow them who are interested in you:

Twitter is full of those people who will be interested in you. What you have to do is to simply search Twitter for such people. Make sure to find those words that relate to your topic. Take advantage of these people. When interested people see your recent tweet, they follow you. It is because they find the content to be useful and apt.

10. What about a quote:

Try to include more quantitative data or information in your content. It will make your content impressive. When you include data or statistics, your post becomes effective. It often leads to an increase in the click-through rate. Many leaders and experts have tried this tactic and they have succeeded.

11. Suggested time 9:57 or 10:03:

Researchers have concluded that the majority of people use social media sites at night. So, if you post something at this time, you are more likely to get good views. You will be amazed to see the results. At this time, you will find your audience to be active. That’s why this time is known to be the best time to post something. You have to schedule your posts.

12. Social media video:

Nothing can be better than videos. The impact created by videos stays for a long time. That’s why many people create their promotional video and get it shared. No doubt, texts, and images are nice, but social media video effects people more. Be creative in developing a video. You can introduce it to your followers.

13. Your homepage:

Your article should be published on the homepage of your website. It is the popular page on your site. So, it is obvious that your visitors will view your content. But post your content at an appropriate place. Either you can publish it at the top or at bottom

14. Thank you page:

Not every visitor reads your content. But those who read your content end up giving your views. Most of the visitors also go through the last page of your website. You can consider it as an opportunity. This page is known to be the most valuable page of your website. You can share your high-value article here.

15. Tweet:

Some marketers use the concept of a mysterious tweet. They don’t mention anything about their content. They, instead, tweet something like ‘ It was amazing to write this’. They don’t reveal much about their content. As a result, the crowd gets attracted to it. Many people, out of their curiosity, click the link. You can also try it.

16. Show gratitude:

When you share your content on Twitter, your content gets shared. After some days you have to see who shared your content and commented on it. Say thanks to them. Ask them to share your content in the future as well. Select a few people who constantly share your content. Apply the same tactic for Facebook and LinkedIn as well.

17. Make use of your internal network:

You might have some internal collaboration. You should definitely share your content over there. If it is not feasible to share the whole content, you can post a few lines of it. You have to get your people to access your content. If your content is loved, keep writing. If it does not get a good response, make changes to your writing style.

18. Social media groups:

Not every Facebook friend sees your post. They might miss it if they don’t open their Facebook ID. It will be better if you post your content on your groups as well. So, whenever your Facebook friends come online, they will view it. But this technique can only be applied if your content is long-lived.

19. Post on Reddit:

Many people use Reddit more than Facebook and LinkedIn. You will be benefitted if you publish your article on Reddit. Spend some time with redditors. Share your post. Make new connections for future references. If someone truly loves your content, you can start a conversation too. Remember, this platform gives genuine people a genuine response.

20. Take help from presentations:

You can organize webinars and podcasts for the marketing purpose. It is not important to organize a different event for it. You can mention your content in any presentation. You have to tell people about your content. Suggest them and ask them to view it.

21. Mention your content in meetings:

Many times, people cannot organize webinars and presentations. Meetings prove to be the best alternative for this. If you cannot organize any event, you can introduce your content in your official meetings. It will be relevant if you share your post with your customers, managers, employees and other officials.

22. Encouraging other people to share your content:

Content gets easily promoted if it is shared by people. It is a very easy and common technique. You have to include others in your articles. Make them the part of your content. You can send them the message asking them to share your content.

23. Make use of other websites:

Advertising these days is very important. Many effective and efficient ways are used by different people. One of them is to promote the content through other websites. You can develop ads and post them on other sites. You can share such ads on social networking sites as well. Such tactics result in a lot of attention. The business gets promoted directly. This works in a very short span of time.

24. AdWords:

It is not bad to spend some amount for the promotional purpose. Many SEO experts suggest people bear some cost. And it works always. Actually, such costs are very low. You will be able to afford it. Simply set a budget. You will get good results if you do so. Try this. You will be amazed to see the results. You will gain many subscribers.

25. Retarget your audience:

It is very difficult to invite new people to like and share your content. So, you can find out those people who have already shared your content. Retarget them and ask them to share your content. It is easier, not expensive and it is not that difficult. Put your content in front of a large crowd. This is very effective.

26. You can do native advertising:

Use networks which will get you access to a huge audience. Pay attention to your title and the writing style. It should be perfect. Only then it will be loved by your audience. You can bind all your articles for combined promotion. You have to put 3 or 4 related articles together. Then link them and post together. This is generally done when content is developed on related topics.

27. Email marketing:

You can do email marketing. Send some invitation messages to your subscribers. After a few days, send them a reminder. Be consistent in sending them messages. You can create different content every time. And do text those who hold value in your emails. Give importance to your high-value contacts. They will do your promotion for free.

The bottom line:

Content marketing is very important in the modern business world. But unless the content is marketed properly, it won’t fetch good results. So, develop high-quality contents for your clients. Then promote them brilliantly.

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